General terms and conditions

Your reservation is subject to the general terms and conditions of Résidence Château Cazalères.

1. Application

    1.     These General Terms and Conditions apply to all offers, arrangements, reservations and agreements relating to all accommodation, the rental of which is mediated by the Sarl Les Trois C; hereinafter referred to as Holiday Park Château Cazalères.

    2.     In these General Conditions, the term 'hirer' means the person who concludes an agreement with the Holiday Park Château Cazalères regarding the hire/use of an accommodation. The term 'user' means: the tenant and the persons specified by the tenant who (will) use the accommodation rented by the tenant.

    3.     These General Conditions apply regardless of your (prior) reference to any of your own conditions or to other general conditions. Vakantiepark Château Cazalères rejects all General Conditions to which you refer or which are used by you.

    4.     Agreements deviating from these General Conditions shall only be valid if agreed in writing. Written in this respect also means documents and messages sent by e-mail


    2. Reservations

    1.     Château Cazalères Holiday Park reserves the right at all times, without giving reasons, to refuse a reservation or to refuse to process a reservation.

    2.     If the Château Cazalères holiday park accepts your reservation, the Château Cazalères holiday park will send you a written confirmation (also invoice) within 7 working days of receipt of the reservation. You must check this for accuracy as soon as you receive it. Any inaccuracies must be immediately communicated to the Château Cazalères Holiday Park.

    3.     An agreement is concluded between you and the Château Cazalères Holiday Park when the deposit has been received.

    4.     When the agreement referred to in Article 2.3 is concluded, you agree to the General Conditions.

    5.     The agreement concerns the hire of accommodation for recreational use, which by its nature is of short duration.


    3. Reservations by groups

    1.     Reservations by groups may be subject to special conditions regarding, among other things, the accompaniment, the deposit, the location and/or type of accommodation, while the purpose and size of the group may in certain cases lead to the reservation of a group not being accepted.


    4. Changes to the agreement

    1.       If, after the agreement has been concluded, you wish to make changes to the agreement, Château Cazalères Holiday Park is not obliged to accept them. It is at the discretion of Holiday Park Château Cazalères to determine whether and to what extent it will accept those changes. In the event that the Holiday Park Château Cazalères accepts your changes, the Holiday Park Château Cazalères may charge you a modification fee. This amendment fee will not be charged if you make an additional booking or change to a more expensive period or accommodation.


    5. Resettlement

    1.    The tenant and other users are not permitted to give the accommodation under any name whatsoever and for any reason whatsoever to anyone other than the persons specified in the agreement, unless otherwise agreed in writing with Château Cazalères Holiday Park.

    2.    If you and the Château Cazalères Holiday Park have agreed that you and/or one or more users will be replaced, you will remain jointly and severally liable to the Château Cazalères Holiday Park, in addition to the tenant and/or users who replace you and/or other users, for the payment of the part of the rent still due, the alteration costs (see article 4.1) and any additional costs resulting from the replacement and any cancellation costs.

    6.  Prices

    1.    You shall owe the Holiday Park Château Cazalères the agreed rental price, as stated in the written confirmation (also invoice) of the reservation.

    2.    Price discounts and/or special offers can no longer be used once the confirmation of the reservation (also invoice) has been sent to the Château Cazalères Holiday Park.

    3.    All rental prices include VAT where applicable.


    7.  Additional costs

    1.       You/the tenant are/is obliged to pay in addition to the rental price (possibly increased by residence tax), costs of final cleaning and any reservation costs.


    8. Payments

    1.    You must make a down payment of 15%. Payment of the above must be made within 14 days of the date of confirmation (also invoice) of the reservation by Château Cazalères Holiday Park.

    2.    The remaining amount of the rent must be received by the Holiday Park Château Cazalères no later than 4 weeks before the date of commencement of the stay at the Holiday Park Château Cazalères, as stated in the confirmation of the reservation.

    3.    Reservations made within 4 weeks before the start of your stay must be paid in full immediately upon reservation, or if you make the reservation by telephone, within 14 days of the date of confirmation (also invoice). If on arrival the reservation amount has not yet been (fully) credited to the bank account of Holiday Park Château Cazalères, you must pay the (remainder of the) reservation amount on the spot. If payment is not made in full in accordance with the above, the Holiday Park Château Cazalères can deny you the use of the accommodation. If it later transpires that a payment order was given, but the amount had not yet been credited to the bank account of the Château Cazalères Holiday Park on arrival, the excess payment will be refunded.

    4.    For reservations made less than 1 week before the start of your stay, you must pay the full amount of the reservation upon arrival.

    5.    In the event of late payment of the amounts invoiced to you, you will be in default immediately after the period for payment has expired. In that case, Château Cazalères Holiday Park shall offer you the opportunity in writing to pay the amount due within 7 days. If even then payment is not made, the Vakantiepark Château Cazalères reserves the right to dissolve (cancel) the agreement from the day on which the 7-day period has expired and you will be liable for all damages suffered or to be suffered by the Vakantiepark Château Cazalères as a result, including all costs incurred in connection with your reservation and its dissolution. Vakantiepark Château Cazalères shall in any case be entitled to charge cancellation costs per accommodation. In that case, the provisions of article 13 shall apply.

    6.    Vakantiepark Château Cazalères shall always be entitled to set off any claims against you on any account against any amounts paid by you on any account.


    9.  Arrival and departure

    1.    The rented accommodation may be occupied on the agreed day of arrival, as stated on the booking confirmation, from 4 p.m. onwards.

    2.    If you wish to continue the agreement with the Holiday Park Château Cazalères for longer than the agreed duration and the Holiday Park Château Cazalères agrees to this, the Holiday Park Château Cazalères is always entitled to designate another accommodation.

    3.    If the use of the accommodation is terminated earlier than the agreed date stated on the confirmation of the reservation, the tenant is not entitled to a refund of (part of) the rent.


    10. Regulations

    1.    In order to make the stay at the Holiday Park Château Cazalères as pleasant as possible for all guests, all guests must comply with the (behaviour) rules laid down for the Holiday Park Château Cazalères in the Park Rules. You will find these Park Regulations here.

    2.    In accordance with local regulations, guests are obliged, if requested, to identify themselves when 'checking in'. If guests cannot show proof of identity, Holiday Park Château Cazalères cannot and may not accommodate guests.

    3.    Each accommodation may be occupied by the maximum number of persons stated in the official information (website, travel guides, etc.) for the relevant accommodation.

    4.    Château Cazalères Holiday Park reserves the right to make changes to the layout and opening times of the park's facilities. For urgent maintenance, you will allow work to be carried out on the accommodation or other facilities during your stay without entitlement to compensation.

    5.    It is not permitted to place tents, whether near the accommodation or not, for accommodation, neither during the day nor at night.

    6.    The lessee must leave the accommodation swept clean, no dirty dishes must be left (i.e. empty the dishwasher), bed linen must be taken off and folded in the hall, the refrigerator must be emptied and switched off and rubbish bags must be deposited in the appropriate waste container.

    7.    If the rules set out in these General Conditions and/or the Park Regulations are violated and/or if instructions from the staff are not followed, the Château Cazalères Holiday Park shall be entitled to immediately remove you, the tenant and any other user from the park, without restitution of the rent or any part thereof.

    11. Pets

    1.    Only dogs are allowed in the park, no other pets.

    2.    Dogs are allowed only in houses where the owner has given permission for bringing a dog.

    3.    Dogs must be kept on a leash in the park.

    4.    On arrival, the dog's passport will be requested at reception where the last flea treatment must be noted.

    5.    Dog excrement must be cleaned up immediately, in the park and also outside.

    6.    If dogs cause such a nuisance that it leads to justified complaints, the dog is no longer welcome in the park after the 3rd warning.

    7.    Dogs are not allowed in various parts of the Park:

    • Pools, Pool Bar
    • Part at the back of the château near the tennis courts and trampoline
    • The area in front of the château with the children's playground and jeux-de-boules courts
    • Mini-golf course
    • On the horseshoe (playground for children)
    • In the château
    • In the reception

    8.    It is not allowed to take the dog to other residences on the park than the one rented by the owner of the dog.

    9.    The following charges apply:

    • €3.50 per day
    • A deposit of €250,-
    • Additional mandatory cleaning costs €29.50


    12. Breakage and loss

    1.    The renter, named on the booking confirmation, is responsible, which does not affect the responsibility or liability of the other users/guests, for an orderly course of affairs in and around the rented accommodation or elsewhere on the park, insofar as this is affected by him or his party/the other user.

    2.    In addition, the lessee is always liable, which does not affect the liability of other users, for damage due to breakage and/or loss and/or damage of inventory/equipment and/or accommodation. Any damage must be immediately reported by the hirer to Holiday Park Château Cazalères and immediately compensated on the spot, unless the hirer can demonstrate that the occurrence of the damage is not due to fault of himself, other users or one of the members of his party.

    3.    If alienation is observed, it shall always be reported to the police.


    13. Cancellation costs

    1.    If a reservation is cancelled, cancellation charges will be due.

    • In case of cancellation more than 42 days before the date of arrival, 30% of the agreed total rental price/fees, as stated in the written confirmation (also invoice), is due.
    • In case of cancellation less than 42 days before the date of arrival, 100% of the agreed total rental price/costs, as specified in the written confirmation (also invoice), is due.

    2.    Payment of the provisions of article 13.1 must be in the possession of Holiday Park Château Cazalères no later than 14 days after the date of the invoice.

    3.    If the Château Cazalères Holiday Park has already received your (partial) payment, the cancellation charges (article 13.1.1) will be deducted from this.

    4.    If you have not arrived within 48 hours of the agreed date of arrival without further notice, this shall be regarded as a cancellation.


    14. Force majeure and amendment proposal

    1.    In the event that the Holiday Park Château Cazalères is unable to fulfil all or part of the agreement due to force majeure, whether temporary or not, the Holiday Park Château Cazalères will present you with a change proposal (other accommodation, other period, etc.) within 7 days of becoming aware of the impossibility of fulfilling the agreement.

    2.    Force majeure on the part of the Vakantiepark Château Cazalères exists if the fulfilment of the agreement is prevented in whole or in part, temporarily or otherwise, by circumstances beyond the control of the Vakantiepark Château Cazalères, including the threat of war, personnel strikes, blockades, fire, floods and other disruptions and events.

    3.    You are entitled to reject the amendment proposal. If you reject the change proposal, you must make this known before the date of arrival. In this case, Holiday Park Château Cazalères is entitled to dissolve the contract with immediate effect. You will then be entitled to remission and/or restitution of (the part of) the rent already paid. The Château Cazalères Holiday Park will then not be obliged to compensate any damage.


    15. Termination

    1.       The Château Cazalères Holiday Park shall at all times be entitled to terminate the agreement with immediate effect if the personal details of you and/or other users are incomplete and/or inaccurate when making the reservation. In such a case, there will be no refund of the rental sum or part thereof.


    16. Liability

    1.    Vakantiepark Château Cazalères accepts no liability for theft, loss or damage of or to goods or persons, of any nature whatsoever, during or as a result of a stay in our park and/or the hire/use of accommodation of Vakantiepark Château Cazalères, unless there is intent or gross negligence on the part of Vakantiepark Château Cazalères or any of its employees.

    2.    Liability for damage consisting of loss of travel enjoyment or business and other consequential damage is excluded under all circumstances.

    3.    Holiday park Château Cazalères is not liable for faults in the service or defects in services provided by third parties.

    4.    The Holiday Park Château Cazalères is not liable for information provided orally/telephonically/written by third parties or publications by third parties.

    5.    You and the user shall be jointly and severally liable for any loss and/or damage to the rented accommodation and/or other property of the Château Cazalères Holiday Park that occurs during its use by you and/or other users, irrespective of whether this is the result of acts or omissions on your part and/or on the part of third parties present at the park with your permission.

    6.    You shall indemnify Château Cazalères Holiday Park against all claims for damages by third parties which are (partly) the result of any act or omission by yourself, other users, your travel companions or third parties who are in the park with your permission.

    7.    In the event of improper use or failure to leave the accommodation properly, including but not limited to excessive soiling, extra costs will be charged, which you are obliged to pay immediately.


    17. Pictures in advertising

    1.       If either a guest or those accompanying him or her or present in the park through his or her actions, or a day visitor, happens to be in a photograph taken for depiction in a publication of Château Cazalères Holiday Park, his or her consent to the use of the photograph in the publication shall be presumed, even if he or she is recognisable in the photograph.


    18. Complaints

    1.       Despite the care and efforts of the Holiday Park Château Cazalères, you may consider that you have a justified complaint regarding your holiday accommodation. This complaint must be reported in the first instance on site and directly to the reception of Château Cazalères Holiday Park in order to allow Château Cazalères Holiday Park to resolve the complaint. If the complaint is not settled satisfactorily you will have the opportunity to submit the complaint in writing no later than 1 month after your departure from Vakantiepark Château Cazalères to: Holiday Park Château Cazalères, Attn: Management, 09350 Daumazan-sur-Arize, France. The complaint will then again be treated with the utmost care.


    19. Applicable law

    1.       The contract between you and Holiday Park Château Cazalères is exclusively governed by French law.


    20. Travel documents

    1.       You are responsible for having the valid travel documents required for your destination. The Holiday Park Château Cazalères accepts no liability for the consequences of not having the correct travel documents.


    21. General

    1.    Obvious printing and typesetting errors shall not bind the Holiday Park Château Cazalères. These General Conditions supersede all previous publications.

    2.    These General Terms and Conditions also apply to the current price list.

    3.    Your contracting party is Vakantiepark Château Cazalères, 09350 Daumazan-sur-Arize, France. Correspondence can be addressed to this address.

    4.    Vakantiepark Château Cazalères is the official management and rental agency of Villapark Résidence Château Cazalères.

    5.    These General Conditions apply to all bookings made directly with Vakantiepark Château Cazalères. The contents of our publications are subject to change.

    6.    All data you provide to us will be included in a file. The database is used for our guest administration. These data may also be used by us, not by third parties, to provide targeted information and offers regarding our products and services.